Attendance and Punctuality
The policy for Attendance and Term Time Absence can be found wihtin the policy section of the website
It is expected that children will attend school on every day of the school year, unless for exceptional circumstances or illness. Children whose attendance falls below 90% are classed as persistent absentees and parents will be invited in to school to discuss ways of improving attendance. Only the headteacher can authorise absence.
In the event of sickness, absence or late arrival we ask parents to:
Contact the office as soon as possible (01206 240251), but definitely before 9am, whenever their child is unable to attend.
Keep the school well informed in cases of lengthy absence, so that work can be sent home in certain cases and in order for staff to prepare for the child’s return.
Provide notice indicating attendance at the dentist, doctor or optician before the arranged appointment unless an emergency situation has arisen and sign their child(ren) out and back in again when attending appointments during the school day. We please ask for such appointments to be made out of school hours where possible.
Let the school know if their child is going to be late, e.g. if a car breaks down; if an urgent appointment has been made.
Term time holidays will not be authorised and only ‘exceptional circumstances’ will allow an absence applied for in advance to be authorised by the headteacher. Fines may be imposed on parents taking their children out of school for unauthorised absences. Application forms for absence are available via the school office, as is a copy of the Attendance and Term Time Absence Policy and Procedures.
We believe that the school and parents should work together in order to achieve high standards of attendance and punctuality.
The school day begins at 8.50 a.m. when the register will be taken. Children may come in and work on quiet classroom tasks after 8.40 a.m. Children arriving after 8.50 a.m. should report to the school office.
Registers close at 9.00 a.m. Lateness after this time is classed as an unauthorised absence unless it is for a medical appointment or a reason is provided which can be authorised by the Head Teacher. Children can only be released for appointments during the day if they are personally collected from the school by a parent or other known adult.