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Ofsted 2022

In November 2022, the school was Inspected over a 2 day period. The school was previously inspected 14 years ago and judged ‘Outstanding’ under a previous inspection framework. This reflected the school’s overall effectiveness under the inspection framework in use at the time. From then until November 2020, the school was exempted by law from routine inspection, so there has been a longer gap than usual between inspections. Judgements in our latest report are based on the current inspection framework and also reflect changes that may have happened at any point since the last inspection.

The overall judgement on the school is inadequate, due to a failure to comply with some aspects of statutory safeguarding requirements, particularly in the way leaders manage safeguarding concerns. The way in which the Ofsted assessment works means that where any element of safeguarding is deemed as inadequate, this results in an overall judgement of inadequate.

As a school, we take this extremely seriously and we are confident that we can meet the required improvements. We have already taken swift steps to rectify these shortcomings and believe pupils are safe and well cared for in school.

There have been signifiant changes since the inspection in November 2022 including new leadership.

Key Stage 2 SATs Results 2023

Early Years Foundation Stage

Good level of development

Average Points Score

Phonics Check Results

Year 1 – % of children working at expected level

Year 2 – % of children working at expected level

Year 2 SATs Results

Year 2 Reading

% achieving expected standard or better

% achieving at greater depth

Year 2 Writing

% achieving expected standard or better

% achieving at greater depth

Year 2 Mathematics

% achieving expected standard or better

% achieving at greater depth

Year 6 SATs Results

Year 6 Reading

% achieving expected standard

% higher attainers

Average Scaled Score

Year 6 Writing

% achieving expected standard

% higher attainers

Year 6 Maths

% achieving expected standard

% higher attainers

Average Scaled Score

Year 6 Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation

% achieving expected standard

% higher attainers

Average Scaled Score

Year 6 Reading, Writing and Maths Combined

% achieving expected standard

% higher attainers